Canvas Lockdown Browser Download

The version of Lockdown Browser available in Rutgers Canvas and Sakai is different than the version from Rutgers Blackboard. If you need to use Lockdown Browser to take an exam or quiz in both Rutgers Blackboard and Canvas/Sakai, then you will need to install two versions of the application on your computer. The directions below assume you have the Blackboard version already installed on your computer

  • Downloads; Lock Down Browser; Lock Down Browser Respondus LockDown Browser. Introduction to Respondus LockDown Browser for Students. Use this link to install the.
  • The download link provided is unique to Mercer University and can be used by faculty or students: Be sure you view the Quick Start Guide and follow the instructions for installing the software and also for taking an assessment. Click the link below to select your platform. Download and Install Respondus Lockdown Browser w/Monitor (Links to an.

When you access a quiz or exam created as a Quizzes.Next (New Quizzes), Canvas will open a new browser and prompt you to download Respondus Lockdown Browser. Download and install Respondus Lockdown Browser. Return to your Canvas course and launch your quiz or exam again. A new tab will open and you will be prompted to open Lockdown Browser. A Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser is available for exams delivered in Canvas, Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace, Schoology and Moodle. This solution is for.



Canvas Lockdown Browser Download

  1. Follow the directions to download and install Lockdown Browser.
  2. Select the option for a second institution.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In your Windows menu, you will now see two versions of Lockdown Browser.

Canvas Respondus Lockdown Browser Download


Canvas Respondus Lockdown Browser Download

  1. Navigate to your Applications folder.
  2. Locate your existing copy of Lockdown Browser.
  3. Right-click to show the mouse menu.
  4. Click Rename.
  5. Rename the application to include version (Blackboard).
  6. Follow the directions to download and install Lockdown Browser. You may opt to rename the second version for Canvas.