Java El Capitan

This tutorial contains step by step instructions for installing hadoop 2.x on Mac OS X El Capitan. These instructions should work on other Mac OS X versions such as Yosemite and Sierra. This tutorial uses pseudo-distributed mode for running hadoop which allows us to use a single machine to run different components of the system in different Java processes. We will also configure YARN as the resource manager for running jobs on hadoop.

Java for OS X 2015-001 installs the legacy Java 6 runtime for OS X 10.11 El Capitan, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, and OS X 10.7 Lion. This package is exclusively intended for support of legacy software and installs the same deprecated version of Java 6 included in the 2014-001 and 2013-005 releases. How to Install Java in OS X El Capitan. Guys, Spare time for s new boy. Had an update msg to update 8 91 to 8 101 on the iMac and it D/L’s the file.

Hadoop Component Versions

  • Java 7 or higher. Java 8 is recommended.
  • Hadoop 2.7.3 or higher.

Hadoop Installation on Mac OS X Sierra & El Capitan

Java el capitan 10

Step 1: Install Java

Hadoop 2.7.3 requires Java 7 or higher. Run the following command in a terminal to verify the Java version installed on the system.

Java version '1.8.0_121'
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)

If Java is not installed, you can get it from here.

Step 2: Configure SSH

When hadoop is installed in distributed mode, it uses a password less SSH for master to slave communication. To enable SSH daemon in mac, go to System Preferences => Sharing. Then click on Remote Login to enable SSH. Execute the following commands on the terminal to enable password less login to SSH,

Step 3 : Install Hadoop

Download hadoop 2.7.3 binary zip file from this link (200MB). Extract the contents of the zip to a folder of your choice.

Step 4: Configure Hadoop

First we need to configure the location of our Java installation in etc/hadoop/ To find the location of Java installation, run the following command on the terminal,

Copy the output of the command and use it to configure JAVA_HOME variable in etc/hadoop/

Modify various hadoop configuration files to properly setup hadoop and yarn. These files are located in etc/hadoop.






Note the use of disk utilization threshold above. This tells yarn to continue operations when disk utilization is below 98.5. This was required in my system since my disk utilization was 95% and the default value for this is 90%. If disk utilization goes above the configured threshold, yarn will report the node instance as unhealthy nodes with error 'local-dirs are bad'.

Step 5: Initialize Hadoop Cluster

From a terminal window switch to the hadoop home folder (the folder which contains various sub folders such as bin and etc). Run the following command to initialize the metadata for the hadoop cluster. This formats the hdfs file system and configures it on the local system. By default, files are created in /tmp/hadoop-<username> folder.

bin/hdfs namenode -format

It is possible to modify the default location of name node configuration by adding the following property in the hdfs-site.xml file. Similarly the hdfs data block storage location can be changed using property.

Java Se 6 Runtime Download For Mac El Capitan

The following commands should be executed from the hadoop home folder.

Java 8 El Capitan

Step 6: Start Hadoop Cluster

Run the following command from terminal (after switching to hadoop home folder) to start the hadoop cluster. This starts name node and data node on the local system.

To verify that the namenode and datanode daemons are running, execute the following command on the terminal. This displays running Java processes on the system.

Install java el capitan

Java El Capitan Free

19203 DataNode
29219 Jps
19126 NameNode
19303 SecondaryNameNode

Step 7: Configure HDFS Home Directories

We will now configure the hdfs home directories. The home directory is of the form - /user/<username>. My user id on the mac system is jj. Replace it with your user name. Run the following commands on the terminal,

bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/jj

Step 8: Run YARN Manager

Start YARN resource manager and node manager instances by running the following command on the terminal,

Run jps command again to verify all the running processes,

19203 DataNode
29283 Jps
19413 ResourceManager
19126 NameNode
19303 SecondaryNameNode
19497 NodeManager

Step 9: Verify Hadoop Installation

Access the URL http://localhost:50070/dfshealth.html to view hadoop name node configuration. You can also navigate the hdfs file system using the menu Utilities => Browse the file system.

Access the URL http://localhost:8088/cluster to view the hadoop cluster details through YARN resource manager.

Step 10: Run Sample MapReduce Job

Hadoop installation contains a number of sample mapreduce jobs. We will run one of them to verify that our hadoop installation is working fine.

We will first copy a file from local system to the hdfs home folder. We will use core-site.xml in etc/hadoop as our input,


Verify that the file is in HDFS folder by navigating to the folder from the name node browser console.

Let us run a mapreduce program on this hdfs file to find the number of occurrences of the word 'configuration' in the file. A mapreduce program for word count is available in the hadoop samples.

bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.3.jar grep ./core-site.xml output 'configuration'

This runs the mapreduce on the hdfs file uploaded earlier and then outputs the results to the output folder inside the hdfs home folder. The file will be named as part-r-00000. This can be downloaded from the name node browser console or run the following command to copy it to the local folder.

Print the contents of the file. This contains the number of occurrences of the word 'configuration' in core-site.xml.

cat part*

Finally delete the uploaded file and the output folder from hdfs system,

bin/hdfs dfs -rmr output

Step 11: Stop Hadoop/YARN Cluster

Run the following commands to stop hadoop/YARN daemons. This stops name node, data node, node manager and resource manager.


Java Download Mac El Capitan

This article explains how to install Java 6 32bit on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite.

Java 6 32bit is required when using the 32bit installer for PDF Studio – a powerful, low cost Adobe® Acrobat® alternative for Mac OSX. Note that the 32bit installer is no longer the recommended installer. The new recommended installer for PDF Studio is 64bit and does no longer require Java 6.

Steps to install Java 6 If you wish to continue with the old / original installer

Q: I upgraded my mac to OSX 10.10 Yosemite & 10.11 El Capitan and I am having trouble opening PDF Studio. I receive the message: “To open “PDF Studio 9” you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime.” How can I fix this?

A: Like other applications such as Dreamweaver or Creative Suite, PDF Studio requires Java 6 in order to run. During the upgrade process to Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite or 10.11 El Capitan, Java may be uninstalled from your system. In order to reinstall and run PDF Studio you will need to install the Java 6 Runtime again. You may receive a dialog that will direct you to the site where you can download the Java 6 Runtime. Once installed you can proceed as normal with installing and using PDF Studio. You can follow the instructions below to complete the Java 6 installation.

Installing Java SE 6 Runtime

  1. Click on the “More Info…” button. The “More Info” button may be broken on some Yosemite minor versions. If so, go to the Mac Support site ( to download Java 6.
  2. Click on the Download button on the Mac support page
  3. This will begin downloading the Java installer. You can see the current status of the download on your dock.
  4. Once the download is complete, click on the downloads icon on the dock to open the download folder. Then click on the file labeled JavaForOSX2014-001.dmg to open the download.
  5. Then double click on the JavaForOSX.pkg file to open the Java 6 installer
  6. Follow the installation instructions to complete installing Java 6 on your system
  7. Once the installation is complete you can proceed as normal with installing and/or using PDF Studio. In some cases, you may need to reinstall PDF Studio as well due to the way that the Mac OSX 10.10 upgrade rearanges the files on the system.

If you come across any issues at all please feel free to let us know by going to Help->Email Support or sending us an email directly to

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